Dragonball Angels- The Goten Shrine!
The Crew

Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: SOooooOO, you want to know more about us for a change?
Yosou: No, they probably just clicked here by accident. TURN BACK NOW!!!! YOUR SANITY AT RISK!!
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: I went to all the trouble of making us bios too! Aren't I wonderful?!
Yosou: No.
Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess: (grinds teeth together) Yosou--you're--scaring--away--the--visitors--again!
Yosou: What visitors? Oh. That one. Hi...

Here's the section for those weird little characters you'll probably bump into around my site. (Mainly in the Debates and Slideshow...) There are some pictures of them up in the Fanart Gallery if you want to see what they look like.