Dragonball Angels- The Goten Shrine!


Read this before emailing me!
Tips for making a website
A general guide to making a good dbz website.
Shasta Bugs
A small section with comics, animations and info on 'Shasta Bugs'; another of my kawaii creations.

A little bit about the layouts, banners and servers DBA-TGS's been through.
Links to other good Goten shrines, and sites that deserve a link.
Linking to Me
My policies on linking to this site and a bunch of banners you can choose from if you want to.
Awards I've won
Awards people have sent me...
About Me
A little bit about who I am and so on.
Meet the crew!
So who is this "Lisa-The-Anime-Goddess"... and why is Yosou afraid of chickens?